The Arena: Your Community Hub
A collaborative platform within Plovm that focuses on community building and problem-solving. It includes several key features:
1. Co-op: Sharing & Interacting
When you share a problem in Co-op, you unlock powerful collaboration features:
- View your shared problems in the public feed where other users can provide assistance and insights
- Control your privacy by using the lock icon to toggle sharing on/off
- Engage with the community through comments, which you can add by tapping the comment icon
- Save valuable solutions and discussions using the bookmark icon for later reference
- Help maintain community standards by reporting inappropriate content via the report icon
- Access additional options through the "..." menu, including editing and sharing settings
2. SOS: Immediate Assistance
The SOS feature connects you with professional help when you need it most:
- Get instant access to qualified professionals ready to assist you
- Pay-as-you-go pricing at £2 per minute (rates may vary based on your subscription type)
- Transparent fee structure: Service providers receive 98.5% of payments, while Plovm retains 1.5% to maintain the platform
- Track your session duration and costs in real-time
- Access your active and pending chat requests directly from the SOS dashboard
- View your interaction history, including minutes spent with helpers or service provided (for business/professional accounts)
3. CrewMatch: Find Your Community
CrewMatch uses advanced AI to help you build meaningful connections:
- Connect with others who share your interests, experiences, and perspectives
- Receive personalized match suggestions based on your profile and preferences